How to Extend TinyDB

Write a custom Storage

You can write a custom storage by subclassing Storage:

class CustomStorage(Storage):
    def __init__(self, arg1):

    def read(self):
        # your implementation

    def write(self, data):
        # your implementation

    def close(self):
        # optional: close open file handles, etc.

To indicate that your storage is empty, raise an ValueError in read(self). TinyDB will create the data for a new database and ask your storage to write it.

When creating a new instance of TinyDB, the instance will pass all arguments and keyword arguments (except storage) to your storage class:

db = TinyDB(arg1, storage=CustomStorage)

Write a custom Middleware

You can modify the behaviour of existing storages by writing a custom middleware. To do so, subclass Middleware:

class CustomMiddleware(Middleware):
    def __init__(self, storage_cls):
        # Any middleware *has* to call the super constructor
        # with storage_cls
        super(CustomMiddleware, self).__init__(storage_cls)

    def read(self):
        # your implementation  # access the storage's read function

    def write(self, data):
        # your implementation  # access the storage's write function

    def close(self):
        # optional: close open file handles, etc.  # access the storage's close function

Remember to call the super constructor in your __init__ as shown in the example.

To wrap a storage with your new middleware, use

db = TinyDB(storage=CustomMiddleware(SomeStorageClass))

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